Arnab Mukherjee, MD, is a consultant in Department of Palliative Care and Psycho-oncology at Tata Medical Center, Kolkata. He completed his undergraduate (MBBS) training from NRS Medical College, Kolkata and postgraduate medical training in psychiatry (MD and DPM) from Christian Medical College, Vellore. He continued to work in Department of Psychiatry as a faculty after completing his post-graduation till he joined Tata Medical Center, Kolkata in 2018.

His academic interests include studies of mental health conditions and distress in cancer including anticipatory anxiety, loss of meaning, demoralization, grief and existential issues. He works on understanding perception of cancer among patients and caregivers including stigma and psychosocial stressors around cancer. His other interests include communication in cancer, unexplained somatic symptoms, cultural factors in mental health suffering and coping. He has published multiple articles and chapters in peer reviewed national and international journals/books. Dr Arnab is a member of World Association of Cultural Psychiatry and a fellow of Indian Association of Psychiatry.