
Bridging the Gap


Dear Dr


This is the first invitation to block your dates for a “Plasma Cell Dyscrasia Meeting on 15th and 16th Sept 2018, to be organized by Tata Medical Center, Kolkata.


This is the 3rd in our series of “Hemato-Oncology from the Clinics”


The objectives for this meeting remain:


1. Laboratory Training – MRD in haematolymphoid neoplasms


2. Data collection and sharing - We request all individuals and Institutes to send their entries for presentations. Depending on the number of entries and time, Oral Presentations as well as posters can be considered.


3. Platform for Plasma cell Dyscrasia case discussion - The theme ‘Plasma cell Dyscrasias from the Laboratory to Clinics Bridging The Gap.


The Workshops on 13.09 and 14.09 will be followed by discussion on “Common problems in Myeloma” on Day 1 of the CME on 15th September 2018 and on day 2 , 16 th September 2018 there will be interface between clinicians, radiation oncologist, Spine and orthopedic surgeons and Dental surgeons and Debates and Duets and much more.


We request all of you to send in interesting cases for a complete discussion of the pathology, molecular biology and management issues as is done in the Myeloma Clinics/ MDTs.


Since this CME has been built on consensus in the past years, please indicate the area you would like to contribute in and we will accommodate your suggestions and participation in the area of your interest. Our program is flexible till 30 th June 2018 .


Please BLOCK the dates and spend both days with us in Kolkata.


Looking forward to your initial thoughts and inputs.



Dr Saurabh Bhave, MD (Senior Consultant)
Dr. Reena Nair, MD (Senior Consultant)
Dr. Deepak Mishra, MD (Senior Consultant)


Department of Clinical Hematology,
Tata Medical Center
14 MAR (EW) Newtown
Kolkata 700156
Ph: +91 33 6605 7624 / +91 33 6605 7622 [Please call between 9:30am to 5:00pm]
Email: myelomameet2018@gmail.com


The Westin
CBD/2, Action Area II, New Town, Action Area - II,
Kolkata, West Bengal 700160
Ph.: +91 33 4037 1234


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