We have started a new Whatsapp number – 9147339399, wherein the new patients may send in their reports/discharge summaries to get the appointment scheduled.

Kindly note that no calls can be made through this number, as it will be operated solely through Whatsapp messaging service.

Where you can find us

Contact Information

Tata Medical Center
14 MAR (E-W), New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata 700 160,
West Bengal, India.

Email: info@tmckolkata.com
Phone: +91 33 6605 7000
Appointment: +91 33 6605 7222

Get in Touch

Tata Medical Center, Kolkata

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The Tata Medical Center is a philanthropic hospital, extending evidence based cancer care of the highest quality from the House of Tata. We welcome patients from any part of India and abroad, and of any socioeconomic background.

This is primarily a cancer hospital, although we do see and treat some non-malignant blood disorders where bone marrow transplantation is a treatment option.

We encourage all patients to make an appointment prior to their first visit by telephone at (033) 6605 7222 or by sending an email request to appointment@tmckolkata.com. Patients on their first visit can be seen without an appointment upon the availability of a time slot in the appropriate outpatient clinic.