Department of

Head and Neck surgery

Tata Medical Center

Department of Head and Neck surgery

About the Department:

Tata Medical Center has the only comprehensive Head and Neck Cancer surgery Unit in the Eastern India, with well-trained professionals and equipped with modern facilities and contemporary medical equipment. It provides a wide spectrum of services from diagnosis to treatment for cancer patients pertaining to Head and Neck sub-sites, including the rehabilitation and palliative care. Department uses multidisciplinary approach to the disease management with the help of facilities of reconstructive surgery, adjuvant treatment, dental rehabilitation, speech and swallowing therapy. Physiotherapy, following strict treatment protocols, using current evidence based medicine strategies and documented clinical guidelines for each disease sub-sites.

Facilities available:

  1. Well equipped OPD services with procedure room for diagnostic (rigid/ flexible laryngoscopy, digital nasal endoscopy, stroboscopy, oral examination etc.) and minor therapeutic procedures.
  2. Operating Room with state of the art equipment, including Robotic Surgery, Endoscopic Surgery, CO2 LASER, Operating Microscope, Rigid Oesophagoscope and Ventillation Bronchoscope etc.
  3. Dental rehabilitation including Obturator, Fixed/ Removable Dentures, Dental Implants, Maxillofacial  Prosthesis, Speech Aid Prosthesis, Radio Vision Graph, Mandibular Guide Flange, Occlusal Splints etc.
  4. Speech and Swallowing therapy unit with Functional Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES), Audiometry etc.
  5. Tumour Board

Special Procedures / Operations

  1. Endoscopic/ Open Approach Skull Base Surgery
  2. Trans Oral Robotic Surgery (TORS)
  3. Microlaryngeal LASER Surgery
  4. Minimally Invasive surgery for laryngo- pharyngeal  lesions
  5. Surgery for oral malignancy with Pedicled/ Free Flap Reconstruction.
  6. Thyroid surgery: Open approach/ Robot assisted/ Endoscope Assisted.
  7. Neck dissection: Open approach/ Robot assisted/ Endoscope Assisted.
  8. Parotid surgery with Nerve repair
  9. Total/ Partial Laryngectomy
  10. Tracheostomy

Major workload (including Numbers)

The Head and Neck department has OPD from Monday to Friday, catering to close to a thousand patient each month. Majority of patients pertain to malignancies of the oral cavity. Many of diagnostic procedures like oral biopsy, laryngoscopy, nasal endoscopy and minor therapeutic procedures are carried out in the procedure room every day. About 800 patients undergo major surgery for various malignant and non malignant lesions of the head and neck every year.

Teaching programmes

The department has a robust 2-year fellowship programme in place, which recruits 3 fellows for their post doctoral fellowships in head and neck surgery every year. Apart from this, fellows in surgical oncology have a four month rotation in the department during their tenure of 2 years. Apart from honing their surgical skills, fellows participate in weekly tumour boards and OPD discussions, learning the nuances of decision making in the Head and Neck surgery. They are encouraged to conduct research projects and publish their research on various platforms. Weekly seminars/ Journal Club discussion are conducted for better understanding of the subject and staying up-to-date with current trends in Head and Neck Surgical practices.  The department has conducted various conferences, with National and International faculty sharing their experiences with the delegates.