Department of

Nuclear Medicine


Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine

About the Department:

Nuclear Medicine department is equipped with state of the art equipment including two 64 slice PET-CTs, SPECT-CT,Ga-68 generator and Radioisotope probes . It has facilities of low and high dose Radioisotope therapies .The radio-isotope therapy ward is going to be expanded soon with addition of new rooms.

Nuclear Medicine OPD clinics are conducted thrice a week.

Procedures performed under Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine

FDG PETCT —for diagnosis, staging, management planning, evaluation of treatment response, restaging, early detection of recurrence, radiotherapy planning etc in various cancers.

Ga 68 DOTA and PSMA PET  scans for Neuroendocrine tumours and Prostate cancers respectively.

18F-NaF Bone PET, Brain PET and Cardiac PET studies

Planar Nuclear Scans and SPECT-CT —-eg Thyroid Scintigraphy , Bone scans, Renal scans, MUGA scans, Hepatobiliary scans, lymphoscintigraphy etc  for benign and malignant disorders.

Sentinel node imaging for —Ca Breast and Malignant Melanoma.