Department of

Plastic & Reconstructive Microsurgery

Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Microsurgery

About the Department:

Tata Medical center,Department of Plastic Reconstructive &Microsurgery started functioning in April 2012 with one Consultant. Currently the Dept.has two consultants(CV attached), one clinical associate, two plastic surgery senior fellows and two surgical oncology fellows.

The Department of Plastic surgery is presently involved in the diagnosis and management of skin malignancies and Sarcoma, reconstruction of Head & Neck malignancies, post mastectomy Breast reconstruction, and gynecological reconstructions amongst others.

The main thrust of the Departments work is in microsurgical reconstructions. Annually an average of 150 microsurgical procedures are done. Multi-disciplinary sessions, and teaching sessions form the other aspects of training.

Facilities Available:


A comprehensive SARCOMA unit including Radiation Oncology,Medical Oncology, Sarcoma Pathology, Radiology and Plastic surgery constitute this subspecialty.  Initial clinical and diagnostic evaluation   followed by  Sarcoma Multidisciplinary (MDT) meetings are conducted weekly. Excision of the tumor and complex reconstruction including local perforator flaps, free flaps, autogenous vascularised bone reconstruction,segmental vascular and neural reconstruction are done by the department. All patients are followed up primarily by the dept.

Lymphatic Surgery

Prophylactic and curative lymphatic microsurgery for lymphedema are performed with the use of ICG Lymphography and operating microscope

Skin Malignancy

Skin cancer starting with the initial evaluation and staging of the pathology. Sentinel node biopsy for staging are carried out for extremity malignant melanoma. Excision of the tumor, lymphatic clearance   along with all form of composite reconstructions perforator based and microvascular reconstruction are carried out by the dept.

Breast Reconstruction

Microvascular reconstruction of the breast is performed where indicated for post mastectomy reconstruction. Planning of the flap by use of CT Angiography, intraoperative use of ICG Dye to check for real time perfusion of the flap are done. Use of venous coupler for microvascular anastomosis are also performed.

Head and Neck Reconstruction

The department is involved with microvascular reconstruction of both primary and recurrenthead and neck cancers. Use of 3D modelling for complex and secondary defects are performed.  Ultrasound guided mapping of perforators and planning are done. All oseeous and   soft tissue microvascular reconstruction are performed including free functioning transfer example for tongue reconstruction, Composite mandibular and maxillary reconstruction using osseous flap, paediatric head and neck reconstruction and facial paralysis reconstruction post oncological resection. Patients are followed up and secondary corrective surgery are also performed if necessary.

Teaching programmes

The Department Fellowship program has three seats for post Mch fellows with microvascular exposure and is for Two years duration. It encompasses the whole spectrum of reconstruction as specified above. Fellows are encouraged to do research, publish and present their work in national/ international meeting.

The Dept. is part of the Sarcoma and Head and neck MDT every Monday and Wednesday.There is weekly academic meet on Wednesday were Journal club, case discussion and audit are  done.

The department has also undertaken National and International meeting at our Institute as mentioned below,

  • Indian Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery (ISRM) – February 2014
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI) Accredited Head and Neck Course 7th-8th February 2015
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of West Bengal(APSWB ) State Chapter Annual Meeting 2016
  • Asian Society of Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASBPRS) International Conference 9th-11th December 2017.
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of West Bengal(APSWB ) State Chapter Annual Meeting 2018
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI) Accredited Perforator flap Course  9th – 10th  February 2018
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of West Bengal(APSWB ) State Chapter Annual Meeting 2019
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI) Accredited Live Operative Workshop with Dr J P Hong December 2019

Fellows Trained at the Department till Dec 2020

  1. DrAdhishBasu – Kolkata, West Bengal
  2. DrAbizer Kapadia – Dubai, UAE
  3. DrGautham–Bangalore, Karnataka
  4. DrNishikant–Pondicherry
  5. DrSomashekarGiji – Bangalore, Karnataka
  6. Dr Aditya Kanoi – Kolkata, West Bengal
  7. Dr Karnav Bharat Panchal – Kolkata, West Bengal
  8. Dr Naveen Kumar H – Bangalore, Karnataka
  9. DrAbidSaleem – New Delhi
  10. DrMainakMallik – Bhubhaneshwar, Orissa
  11. DrDevajyotiGuin – Kolkata, West Bengal
  12. Dr Om Agarwal – Mumbai, Maharashtra
  13. DrSubhashPentapani – Andhra Pradesh
  14. Dr Sameer Halegari – Karnataka