Department of Radiation Oncology

Clinical Services

As one of the first clinically commissioned departments, Radiation Oncology has provided quality assured high precision clinical oncology services to over 16000 patients (until December 2020). The Radiation Oncology Team at TMC has a unique mix of doctors, medical physicists and technicians who have trained and worked in some of the best institutions in India and abroad. The department focuses on patient centric care using all the ultra modern facilities available to enhance the patients journey through the stressful time of cancer care. The outcomes of treatments published by the department show comparable results to that published by the best institutions in Western countries.

Radiotherapy refers to the precise delivery of a high energy of radiation targeted at the cancer. It is one of the commonest and one of the most effective treatment modality used for curative treatment of cancers. Whilst cure may not be possible in all cases, symptom control (palliation) is commonly achieved with the appropriate use of radiation therapy. This includes the use of adaptive radiotherapy, 5-D Radiotherapy, Stereotactic Radiotherapy, Total Body Irradiation, Marrow irradiation, Arc Therapy, IGRT-IMRT, forward planned therapy and brachytherapy.

Radiotherapy Fellows

Medical Physicist

Radiotherapy Technologists


As a department that practices clinical oncology, the staff are highly skilled not only in the use of radiation but departmental consultants also use systemic therapy including chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Our clinicians are trained and accredited for such practices by some of the most reputed institutes and universities, allowing continuity of care for the patients within the department.

The focus of each and every staff in the department is to improve patient care with compassion. The team in the department feels privileged to get the opportunity to provide the best possible care for its patients.

Radiotherapy Treatment Facilities

External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT)

The department is equipped with some of the most advanced high precision radiation delivery units in the world at this time to deliver External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT). EBRT refers to the targeting of cancers with precisely targeted radiation beams, produced by the treatment units, entering the body from outside These treatment units facilitate the administration of high precision radiation therapy targeted at the cancer-bearing tissues with minimal collateral damage to adjoining healthy tissues reducing the potential side-effects of radiation. TMC is the first centre in India after the Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai with Tomotherapy Hi-Art and among the first centres in India to possess the versatile capabilities of the Novalis Tx and Radixact.

The department has four external beam treatment units (Linear Accelerator):

  • Tomotherapy Hi-Art
  • Radixact
  • Novalis Tx
  • Truebeam

The department also houses a dedicated wide-bore GE Lightspeed CT simulator which is used for 3D image acquisition to be used for treatment planning.

A Varian RPM Gating system allows for precise targeting of tumours moving with respiration and protection of critical organs like the heart from exposure to radiation.


The department also has brachytherapy capability. Brachytherapy refers to targeting the cancer with radiation which is produced by the radiation source placed very close to the cancer within the body. Brachytherapy will be delivered with the VariSource High-dose-rate (HDR) Brachytherapy unit.

  • VariSource High-dose-rate (HDR) Brachytherapy

Treatment Modalities

In this form of EBRT, the radiation beam is targeted at the cancer without any manipulation of the beam shape as it comes out of the treatment unit.

Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT) refers to the method of EBRT where the radiation beams are shaped to precisely match the shape of the tumour and thereby protect the surrounding healthy tissues

This special form of EBRT, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) allows the delivery of a high dose of radiotherapy to the cancer precisely by manipulation of the shape and the intensity of the radiation beams.

Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) is a form of IMRT, that enables IMRT treatments to be delivered within a few minutes adding to patient convenience and accuracy of delivery. We have a lot of experience with VMAT techniques

Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) involves repeated acquiring of images while on treatment with MV and KV imaging facilities available on the machines. This enables the delivery of radiation therapy very precisely and accurately targeting the cancer on a daily basis.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery is the delivery of a high dose of radiation in a single dose very accurately with the help of imaging and special positioning devices. It is used for treating small lesions in the brain.

Stereotactic body radiotherapy is used for treating small cancers in different parts of the body with only a few treatments of high-dose radiotherapy delivered very precisely to the cancer with the help of image-guided radiotherapy and respiratory motion control. Our department has a lot of experience in SBRT for lung cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer and metastases to the spine, as well as other sites in the body.

TBI is used as a preparative treatment for bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of blood cancers.

TSET is a special technique that delivers radiotherapy to the entire skin of the body used in the treatment of primary cutaneous lymphomas.

Image guided brachytherapy is a special technique of brachytherapy which delivers a personalised treatment to each patient maximising control of tumour and minimising side effects with the guidance of advanced imaging techniques.

Respiratory gating on the Novalis Tx and Truebeam allows accurate targeting of tumours that are moving with respiration.

Educational and Research Activities

FRCR Clinical Oncology Examination

Tata Medical Centre is the only center outside the United Kingdom and Singapore to jointly host the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) conducted FRCR examinations in clinical oncology (Part 1 and Part 2A) twice a year. The final FRCR examinations are likely to be conducted soon in conjunction with the RCR.

FRCR (Clinical Oncology) Preparatory Courses

Christie – TMC First FRCR Preparatory Course (Clinical Oncology)

Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata proudly partners with Christie Hospital, Manchester to organize the popular Christie-TMC First FRCR course every year in January. This course has been running successfully since 2015.

The Christie First FRCR course is the leading FRCR preparatory course in the United Kingdom. The course at Tata Medical Center in Kolkata is taught by faculty from the Christie Hospital, Manchester and experts from India.

Leeds – TMC Final FRCR Part A, Clinical Oncology Preparatory Course

Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata is proud to partner with the Leeds Cancer Center, Leeds, United Kingdom in organizing the Final FRCR Part A (Clinical Oncology) preparatory course every year in the month of December, since 2015.

The Leeds Single Best Answer Course (Final FRCR Part A, Clinical Oncology) conducted by the Leeds Cancer Center is a highly acclaimed and well-attended course for Final FRCR preparation in the United Kingdom. The Leeds-TMC FRCR Part 2A (Clinical Oncology) preparatory course in Kolkata will follow the model of the UK course and will be taught by international faculty from Leeds Cancer Center and by clinical oncology experts from India.

Cardiff – TMC FRCR Part 2B Oncology Course: Kolkata

Tata Medical Center is proud to partner with Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff, United Kingdom to hold the popular Cardiff FRCR Part 2B Course in Tata Medical Centre annually, from May 2019.

The Cardiff FRCR 2B course by Velindre Cancer Centre,UK is the oldest and leading FRCR preparatory course in the UK and worldwide. The course in Kolkata will be taught by faculty from Velindre Cancer Centre. Cardiff FRCR Course supported and contributed to the FRCR 2A online preparatory resource Oncopaedia.

Please click here for more details

(Hyperlink to this site ).

Joint MSc-PhD Program in Medical Physics

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP) and Tata Medical Center (TMC), Kolkata, India jointly offer a Masters (M.Sc.)-Ph.D in Medical Physics program. The details of the program can be found in the below link.

Advanced Specialization Certificate In Clinical Oncology And Research

(Joint program offered by Tata Medical Center, Kolkata and Indian Institute of Technology, -Kharagpur)

Tata Medical Center and School of Medical Science and Technology (SMST), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-K) are proud to announce the Advanced Specialization Certificate in Clinical Oncology and Research. This post-specialization training course aims to train Radiation Oncologists in Clinical Oncology along with applied research in four thematic areas. The course will not only impart skills in Clinical Oncology through practical and didactic clinical training but also train the participant in conducting advanced, cross-disciplinary research. The Clinical Oncology curriculum is aligned with the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists curriculum and makes extensive use of online education. The participants will also receive training in IIT Kharagpur and have dedicated research time that will allow them to conduct research in both centres. This a three-year course divided into six semesters culminating a certificate endorsed from IIT Kharagpur and Tata Medical Center. Candidates would be earning credit points for Clinical Oncology work as well as research and will be required to present a dissertation for the completion of the certificate course.

We believe that oncologists of the future must have excellent training in modern radiation oncology, but also have a good grounding in the basic science of oncology, statistics and the use of systemic therapies. A dedicated exposure to research in cross-disciplinary sciences, including imaging, basic sciences, drug development or information technology will provide a pathway to get prepared for a rapidly changing field where your success depends on breaking new ground. Trainees who successfully complete this course will be able to find career opportunities in clinics, clinical and basic research as well as the industry and be leaders of the future.

Course Duration 3 years  with a dedicated training period in IIT Kharagpur
Location Tata Medical Center and IIT Kharagpur (SMST)
Selection Criteria MD / DNB  in Radiotherapy. Some research experience would be preferred
Selection Process Qualifying competitive written test followed by face to face interview
Number of Positions 3 – 6 per batch (flexible)

Diploma in Radiotherapy Technology

The department runs a two-year Diploma in Radiotherapy Technology approved by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, under the auspices of the State Medical Faculty of West Bengal. Three students join the course every year. Students undergo teaching and hands-on practical training in modern radiotherapy technology and get an opportunity to train under a highly qualified team.

Varian IGRT School

The department has been the hosts of the Varian IGRT school which is conducted thrice a year since 2015 training several oncologists, physicists and radiographers from India and neighbouring countries.

Controversies in Clinical Oncology

The department has held an annual national meeting titled “Controversies in Clinical Oncology” since the year 2015. The meeting serves as a platform to share recent developments and provides a unique opportunity for world class leaders in the field to debate vital and contentious issues in clinical oncology with each year focusing on a specific topic.

The success of these conferences have encouraged us to plan for the Joint conference with the Royal College of College of Radiologists, United Kingdom from 2020 “Skill Management Approaches with RCR and TMC-K in Clinical Oncology (SMART Clinical Oncology)”.


The department has developed several e-learning modules which have been used by radiation oncologists, clinical oncologists, medical physicists and radiographers from around the world.

IGRT Online

This is a course for radiation oncologists and radiation therapists who want to learn the principles, techniques and clinical applications of Image Guided Radiation Therapy. The course allows self-paced learning with interactive teaching material, quizzes and assessments. Also get a Certificate of completion once you have completed the final assessment successfully.

AVARO (Applied Virtual Anatomy for Radiation Oncology)

This is a course developed by the department for learning applied anatomy for radiation oncology trainees.

Acute Oncology for Royal College of Radiology, United Kingdom

The department has developed a set of e-learning modules for acute oncology management which is being hosted on the e Learning hub of Royal College of Radiology, United Kingdom.

National Cancer Grid E-learning Portal

Tata Medical Center, Kolkata is the coordinating center for National Cancer Grid E-learning Portal.
