From the Desk of CEO

Tata Medical Center has been caring for patients with cancer for more than a decade now. Over the years, the institution has grown in size, stature and scope of activities, at the same time reaffirming its core values of delivering cancer care with competence, compassion and cutting-edge technology. Our not-for-profit ethos and patient support programs have ensured that our underprivileged patients are not bereft of the benefits of modern science.

As the management of cancer evolves, it is incumbent upon us to devise newer and more effective protocols, incorporate effective technologies, innovate cost-appropriate strategies relevant to the population we serve and address the concerns and attitudes of the society we live and interact in.

Training courses in various clinical and paramedical speciality areas have been introduced with a mission to train and empower future generations of health care professionals with potential benefits to the society at large.

The last decade has seen a surge in our research activities. Last year alone, our specialists have authored and published over 130 papers. Workshops and seminars to train doctors, nurses and other specialists in research methodology and to provide updates in current treatment protocols figure prominently in our academic calendar.

Tata Medical Center will move forward with its focus on multi-disciplinary cancer care where all elements of cancer care – namely, education, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation will be harnessed harmoniously and delivered to the community we are privileged to serve.

Dr. P Arun

Chief Executive Officer,
Tata Medical Center.