Floor Index

Patient Facilities at Administrative Building
Medical Records
Location: Second Floor ,Administrative Building
9 am to 5 pm (Monday to Friday)
9 am to 1 pm (Saturday)
(except Sundays and public holidays)
Email: mrd@tmckolkata.com
Why you need to visit the Medical Records Department?
To obtain:
- Photocopies (attested) of Indoor Case Papers/Bed Head Ticket.
- Duplicate copies of Discharge/death summary/OP prescriptions/Investigation reports.
Issue of Indoor Case Papers / Bed Head Ticket :
Required Documents:
a) Application from the patient/relative (next of kin in case of death)/ Insurance company to the Director/ /Deputy Director/Senior Medical Administration mentioning the details of the patient and the documents required along with the purpose.
b) Authorisation letter (in case collected by others) from – the patient – patient relative (next kin in case of death) duly signed by the patient or patient relative (next kin in case of death) and the person who is authorised to take the documents.
c) ID Proof photocopy duly signed by the patient.
d) ID Proof photocopy duly signed by the authorised person (in case collected by others).
e) Payment as applicable.
(For ID Proof, any of the following: Voter ID Card, Passport, Aadhar Card, Driving License)
2nd Floor
Blood Center (Transfusion Medicine)
Blood Center (Transfusion Medicine) of Tata Medical Center is located at Phase 1 ground floor Administrative Block.
Offices of senior management
Office of the senior managements (Director, Deputy Director, HR) is situated at the ground floor of administrative building.
Ground Floor

Patient Facilities at Phase-1
Private Rooms
Pvt 29 to Pvt 43 are located at Phase-1 4th floor.
Bone Marrow Transplant Ward
Bone Marrow transplant unit is loated at Phase-1 4th floor.
Fourth Floor
Private Rooms | Radioiodine Rooms
Pvt 1 to Pvt 28 are located at Phase-1 3rd floor. Pvt-9 & 10 are demarked for patients, taking Radioiodine therapy.
VIP Rooms
VIP 1 to 4 are housed at Phase-1 3rd floor.
VIP 5 and 6 are located at Phase-2 5th floor.
Third Floor
OT | Brachytherapy
OT-1 to OT-8 and Brachytherapy are situated at Phase-1 2nd floor.
OT-9 & OT-10 is located at Phase-1 1st floor.
Status of scheduled OTs are displayed at the OT waiting area.
Adult ICU | HDU
ICU-1 to ICU-21 and HDU-1 to HDU-20 are located at Phase-1 first floor.
Second Floor
Out Patient Department (OPD)
OPD 26 – OPD 38 are in Phase-1 first floor.
(Pediatric, Anaesthesia, Nutrition, Palliative, Speech & Swallow therapy, Dental)
Day Care
Day care at Phase-1 is located at first floor. After entering the main lobby take the stairs or lift. Communicate with customer care representative at day care reception for any query.
Day care Bed number 1 – 31 is situated at Phase 1
There is also a Day Care unit at Phase-2 3rd floor. Bed 100 – 116
Pediatric Day Care is located at Phase-2 2nd floor. Bed 1 – 10
Physiotherapy | Dental
Physiotherapy (rehabilitation) and Dental department is located at Phase-1 first floor. Communicate with customer care representative at first floor reception for any query.
OT-9 & OT-10 is located at 1st floor.
OT-1 to OT-8 and Brachytherapy are situated at 2nd floor.
Status of scheduled OTs are displayed at the waiting area.
General ward, post-operation beds
General ward and post operative general beds are located at Phase-1 first floor.
Gen-1 to Gen-30 General bed.
Gen-31 to Gen-46 post operative bed.
Gen-47 Isolation room.
First Floor
Radiology | Radiation Therapy
Both Radiology and Radiation Therapy is located in Phase 1, ground floor right wing. Enter through the gate near stair-well.
Pharmacy at Tata Medical Ceneter is run by Tata 1mg. At Phase-1, the location is near the staff cafeteria, ground floor.
There is another pharmacy at Phase-2. Location is beside Emergency.
Ground Floor
Appointment Desk
Appointment desk is situated at the right side after entering the main lobby of Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Patients can also take appointment prior to their first visit by telephone at (033) 6605 7222 or by sending an email request to appointment@tmckolkata.com. Appointment can also be made online.
Registration | Bill Desk | Donor Evaluation | Cancer Registry
In Phase 1, billing desk and registration desk is on the right side after entering the main lobby. You are expected to take a queue token and sit at the waiting area untill your token number is called for billing.
Cancer registry and donor evaluation rooms are located behind the billing desk.
(There is a billing desk also at Phase-2)
Out Patient Department (OPD)
Following are the distribution of OPDs in Phase-1.
Ground floor: OPD 1 – OPD 26 and Exam Rooms.
(Breast, Gynae, GI, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Preventive Oncology, Heand & Neck, Radiology)
Sample Collection
Sample collection is located at Phase-1 ground floor beside billing desk.
There is another sample collection desk at Phase-2 OPD area.
OPD Lobby

Patient Facilities at Phase-2
Private ward | VIP
Private room 44 – 56 and VIP 5 are located at Phase-2 5th floor Wing-1.
Private room 57 – 69 and VIP 6 are located at Phase-2 5th floor Wing-2.
Fifth Floor
General Ward
General bed 117 – 151 and Isolation room 6 – 7 are located at Phase-2 4th floor Wing-1.
General bed 152 – 186 and Isolation room 8 – 9 are located at Phase-2 4th floor Wing-2.
Fourth Floor
General Ward
General bed 47 – 81 and Isolation room 2 – 3 are located at Phase-2 3rd floor Wing-1.
General bed 82 – 116 and Isolation room 4 – 5 are located at Phase-2 3rd floor Wing-2.
Discharge counters are located at Phase-2 3rd floor between wing-1 and wing-2, adjucent to the waiting area.
Third Floor
Paediatric Ward
The paediatric area is situated on Phase-2 second floor. Following are the distributions:
Paediatric General Bed 1 – 33 andIsolation room 1 – 2 are located at Phase-2 2nd floor wing-1.
Paediatric Day care 1 – 10, Isolation room 3 – 7 and
ICU 1 – 9 are located at Phase-2 2nd floor wing-2.
In between wing-1 and wing-2, there is a playroom for paediatric patients.
Second Floor
Digestive diseases | Endoscopy
Digestive diseases, Endoscopy and Gastro OPDs are located at Phase-2 first floor.
At Phase-2, Radiology dept. is located at 1st floor. Visit this location for X-Ray, Dental X-Ray (OTG), CT-Scan, MRI, Ecocardiography etc.
OPD for Cardiology is also housed at this area.
First Floor
Appointment | Cancer Registry
Appointment desk is situated at the right side after entering the main lobby of Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Patients can also take appointment prior to their first visit by telephone at (033) 6605 7222 or by sending an email request to appointment@tmckolkata.com. Appointment can also be made online.
Cancer registry and appointment desk are located on the same desk.
Registration | Billing Desk
In Phase-2, billing desk and registration desk is on the right side after entering the main lobby. You are expected to take a queue token and sit at the waiting area untill your token number is called for billing.
(There is a billing desk also at Phase-1)
Swasthya Sathi | Insurance | Admission
Insurance and Admission desk is located behind billing desk of Phase-2. Swasthya Sathi counters are just outside Insurabce desk.
For admission, you are expected to draw a token and wait at the lobby till your token number is called.
Out Patient Department (OPD) | Sample Collection
OPDs at Phase-2 are located at ground floor, on the left side after entering the main lobby. (OPD-1 to OPD-14).
(Hematology, Medical Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Nephrology, Repiratory, General Medicine, Dermatology)
Gastro and Cardilogy OPDs are located at Phase-2 1st floor.
Sample collection is on the far end of the OPD corridor of ground floor.
Emergency is at the back side of ground floor, Phase-2.
Pharmacy at Tata Medical Center is currently mentained by Tata 1mg. In Phase-2, pharmacy is situated at ground floor behind OPD.
There is another Pharmacy counter at Phase-1 beside staff cafeteria.
The visitor’s cafeteria is situated at the ground floor of Phase-2. There you can have hygenic and tasety food at reasonable price. It can also cater refreshments and night suppers.
It is equiped with all modern equipments for mentaining hygene.
Ground Floor
Call Us: (033) 6605 7222
Write Us: appointment@tmckolkata.com
For Other Queries:
Call Us: (033) 6605 7000
Write Us: info@tmckolkata.com
For Feedback:
Call Us: (033) 6605 7095 | 9330903299
Write us: info@tmckolkata.com or Click on Feedback
For Patients
Tata Medical Center, Kolkata
14 MAR (E-W), New Town,
Rajarhat, Kolkata 700 160
West Bengal, India.