Department of Laboratory Sciences


Department of Laboratory Sciences

The Oncopathology Laboratory and all its sections are NABL accredited (National Accreditation Board of Testing and Calibration Laboratories: ISO 15189) since 2013.  The workload is approximately 15,000 histopathology, 5000 cytology, 40,000 immunohistochemistry tests and  1000 frozen sections annually.The work-load is increasing by 15% year on year.


The Department has 5 Post Doctoral Fellows and 2

PDCC Fellows in Oncopathology . The fellowship period is 1 – 2 years.

Technical Staff

The Department has  9 technologists, 4 project based technologists with 2 technologists  each dedicated to immunohistochemistry and cytology services.

Tertiary Oncopathology Services. 

Tertiary Oncopathology services include diagnostic surgical pathology, frozen section, immunohistochemistry and cytopathology services. The department has an intramural Cytogenetics and Molecular Pathology Laboratory with additional Consultants in these respective sections.

The Department operates on an intradepartmental software (AnPath) which helps traceability of every specimen right from accession, grossing, proccessing to reporting. Histopathology laboratory is well-equipped with 3 state of the art grossing stations, 2 Lieca cryostats, 2 Leica automated tissue processers, Leica automated straining / cover slipping machine and 6 automated immunohistochemistry platforms ( Leica / Roche / DAKO ). Cytology laboratory is well equipped with cytospin machines and Thin prep machine for liquid based cytology. The intramural Cytogenetics and Molecular Pathology Laboratory assist with ancillary testing.


The Department has a comprehensive programme for trainees. The Post Doctoral Certificate Course / Fellowship (PDCC) in Oncopathology (including Histopathology and Cytology) under the aegis of the Indian College of Pathologists (ICP) recognises 2 fellows who complete their rotation over 1 year duration. In addition there are 5 additional Fellowship positions for 1-2 year rotation. The Dept.  is also seeking recognition of all its training posts by the West Bengal University of Health Sciences ( WBUHS ). The Laboratory is equipped with double and multi-head microscopes and digital pathology system for teaching and consultation. The consultants guide and mentor the Fellows in all educational activities. There are once weekly teaching sessions, bi-monthly journal presentations, daily MDTs on rotation in addition to weekly lecture series for the entire hospital. The Department also hosts annual pathology update / CME / Conferences to help keep abreast with latest developments in various subspecialities of Oncopathology.

Our plan to initiate DNB course in Oncopathology is in the pipeline.


The Department is involved in various research projects through grants from multiple funding agencies. The Digital Pathology system, Automated tissue microarrayer, Multicolour IHC and Laser capture microdissection microscope are equipments acquired in the recent past to help in our research endeavours. There are facilities to biobank fresh tissue in the central biobank facility of our Hospital.