Department of Laboratory Sciences

A comprehensive laboratory diagnostic facilities in order to provide state of the art cancer diagnosis, which keeps pace with the ever changing diagnostic algorithms.


Laboratory Hematology at the Tata Medical Center contributes to the diagnosis, management, monitoring and prognostication of various hemato-lymphoid malignancies, non hematological malignancies and benign haematological disorders.

The state of the art haematology laboratory ( NABL accredited ) is equipped with 4 Flowcytometers  performing nearly 2500 flowcytometric assays annually. The four platforms available are ;  one 3 Laser 12 color BD FACS LYRIC, one 3 Laser 13 colour Beckmann Coulter DX FLEX and two 3 Laser 8 color BD FACS CANTO II Flow Cytometers, being used for diagnostic immunophenotyping, MRD analysis ( B / T cell ALLs, AMLs, CLLs  and Plasma Cell neoplasms), PNH analysis, lymphocyte subset analysis, EMA binding assay for Hereditary Spherocytosis, Body Fluids / CSF analysis and CD34 stem cell enumeration. The laboratory uses the Miltenyi Biotec gentleMACS™ Tissue Dissociator with Heater for performing flowcytometric analysis on solid tissues ( lymph nodes, testis etc. ) by producing single cell suspensions in the Tissue Dissociator Platform.

For routine blood counts the laboratory has 2 advanced Beckmann Coulter 6 part DxH 900 and one Beckman Coulter DxH 800 cell counters, which are integrated to 2 Beckman Coulter fully automated slide maker & stainers for multi-parametric CBC analysis, Reticulocyte enumeration and PBS interpretation. The DxH 900 has been interfaced with the digital haematology  CellaVision DM 1200 platform, making our morphological cell analysis more precise, accurate and reproducible due to the automated digital workflow technology.  The entire range of coagulation parameters are performed on the fully automated  ACL TOP300 and ACL Elite PRO Coagulometers from Instrumentation Laboratory ( IL ). Platelet Function Disorders are analysed by the CHRONO-LOG® Model 700 Whole Blood / Optical Lumi-Aggregometer in the laboratory. Rotational Thromboelastometry using the ROTEM Platform performs the Global Haemostatic status in complicated cancer surgeries with massive blood loss / blood component requirements. The laboratory has the BIORAD D10 HPLC Platform for Haemoglobin Variant analysis for diagnosis of various Hemoglobinopathies. Performing free light chain ( FLC ) Assay is integral to the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple myeloms and the SPA-PLUS Platform from Binding Site is extensively used in the laboratory.

Bone marrow aspirate and Bone marrow biopsy interpretation with routine &  cytochemical stains, IHCs are done in large numbers annually for various malignant / benign haematological entities and solid tumours. Most advanced multi-head Leica Microscopes with attached digital camera set-up are utilized for detailed morphological evaluation of bone marrows for diagnosis and teaching.

Cytogenetics and Molecular Haematology Analysis for diagnosis of haematological disorders are extremely essential in current practice  and are standard of care in this hospital. Majority of cytogenetic analysis and molecular haematology assays are performed in-house in the Cytogenetics and Molecular Pathology Laboratories, which are ancillary laboratory services in the hospital and have state of the art facilities. These two laboratories have been independently highlighted subsequently.

The department receives large number of samples ( PB , BMA, BMBx )  from outside hospitals for morphologic diagnosis, flowcytometric evaluations ( Diagnostic, MRD Analysis , CD34 enumeration etc. ), cytogenetics and molecular genetic analysis in complex haematologic malignancies. The department participates in UKNEQAS, AIIMS EQAS, Coagulation EQAS from CMC,Vellore and BIORAD EQAS for maintaining the stringent quality control protocols.

The departmental faculty participates in large number of extra-mural and intra-mural research projects pertaining to haematological malignancies, solid tumours, clinical trials, which are funded by funding agencies like  DBT, Tata Trusts, ICMR etc.

The Clinical Pathology Section in our laboratory performs laboratory testing of bodily fluids ( CSF, Ascitic fluid, Pleural fluid etc. ) , Urine and Stool. Body fluids are examined by cell counts and microscopy of direct / cytospin stained smears prepared on Tharmac Cell Spin Centrifuge. Urine examination is performed on Transasia semi – automated Uro-Dipcheck 300 Analyzer along with sediment microscopy. Stool examination encompasses occult blood testing and microscopy for ova / cysts and worms.

Teaching / Training Programs:

  1. Post- Doctoral Fellowship Program in Laboratory Hematology / Haematopathology – 2 Years Duration ( 3 positions ). Extendable to 3rd
  2. Training to DNB Haematology students ( 2 students per year ).
  3. Annual workshop on Flow Cytometry / Coagulation includes participants from various parts of India / SAARC Countries.
  4. Regular weekly Intra-lab training sessions (WITS) for continued training, education and assessment for Consultants, Fellows and Technical Staff.
  5. Training sessions to DMLT students.
  6. Visitor – Observers from various institutes in India and abroad – (1–3 months duration).


The Department has 3 Fellows. The fellowship period is 2 years.