Department of

Nuclear Medicine


Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine

About the Department:

Nuclear Medicine department is equipped with state of the art equipment including two 64 slice PET-CTs, SPECT-CT,Ga-68 generator and Radioisotope probes . It has facilities of low and high dose Radioisotope therapies .The radio-isotope therapy ward is going to be expanded soon with addition of new rooms.

Nuclear Medicine OPD clinics are conducted thrice a week.

Procedures performed under Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine

  • Radio-isotope therapies —for Thyroid Cancer , Thyrotoxicosis , Painful Bone Metastasis are conducted regularly in the department.
  • Radioembolization for HCC , Cholangiocarcinoma etc are performed in the cathlab in collaboration with Interventional Radiology unit.
  • Shall start Lu-177 –PSMA therapy and Alpha particle therapy for Ca Prostate and PRRT for Neuroendocrine tumours once the ward is expanded.
  • Radioguided surgery  for sentinel node dissection in Ca Breast and Melanoma and Radioguided excision of Parathyroid adenoma  are performed in OT.
