Department of

Transfusion Medicine

Department of Transfusion Medicine

About the Department:

Tata Medical Center (TMC) being one of the leading cancer hospitals in India is one of the best Blood Centre in the country with the state-of-the-art facilities. The blood centre is operational since 2011, provides quality blood products at government approved charges. This is one of the few NABH accredited blood centres in the eastern part of the country and hence high quality standards are practiced at all times. At our institute, the transfusion services are an integral component of treatment and management of cancer patients. The blood centre provides quality blood products to patients by using most advanced technology for blood collection, processing and testing.

Facilities Available

  • Entire process of blood collection, processing, testing and issue is undertaken using computerized HMS software to ensure error free collection and processing.
  • All blood units are tested by highly sensitive testing protocols for infection markers including the Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT). This ensures that only safest blood components are transfused.
  • Leukoreduction facilities are also available.
  • To ensure efficiency and reduce the turn-around-time, blood components are transported through the Pneumatic tube system.
  • The department is an integral part of the disease management group (DMG) for stem cell transplantation and participates in peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) collection and provides special transfusion support to stem cell transplant patients.
  • The department has a blood irradiator (BRIT) to modify the blood components and render them suitable for cancer and bone marrow transplant patients to avoid Ta-GvHD.
  • To meet the needs of multi-transfused cancer patients, in-house voluntary blood donation services are also offered.  A voluntary donor registry and a rare blood group registry are maintained to facilitate availability of blood donors as and when required.
  • The department has facilities to provide:
    1. Packed RBCs
    2. FFP
    3. Cryoprecipitate
    4. Random donor platelets
    5. Single donor apheresis platelets
    6. Single donor apheresis granulocytes
    7. Buffy coat derived granulocytes
    8. Cryo-poor plasma
    9. Washed red cells concentrates
    10. Irradiated blood components
    11. Autologous blood products

Special Services

Red cell serology:

  • Red cell antibody screening and identification
  • Full red cell antigen phenotyping
  • Direct and indirect antiglobulin test
  • Investigations for autoimmune disorders (adsorption & elution)
  • Antibody titration facilities

Platelet serology:

  • Platelet antibody screening by solid-phase technique
  • Platelet cross-match facility

Molecular immunohaematology:

  • Red cell genotyping by PCR based methods
Last ten years data on workload

Blood donation number

Blood components issued and transfused


The department is running the DNB program in Immunohaematology & Blood Transfusion (Transfusion Medicine) since 2021 which is accredited by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences, India. It has frequent intra and inter-departmental academic activities. Academic programs (CME) are held time to time to apprise the staff of the latest developments in the specialty. In addition, the staffs are encouraged to participate in various academic activities organized by other hospitals and professional bodies across the country. The faculty members participate in various interactive academic forums including national and international conferences


Soon after the blood centre was established, the need for accreditation was felt to ensure that quality standards are practiced. In pursuance of the efforts of the staff along with support from the administration, the blood centre acquired the NABH accreditation in 2012.


  • ISBT-128 implementation in transfusion services
  • Rare blood group registry depending on the genomic profile
  • Platelet donor registry based on HLA and HPA antigens