It may not always be about what we know, but it’s always about how much we care.


Tata Medical Center

Tata Medical Center welcomes foreign nationals who wish to avail our services.

Important information related to the visa status of the patient and attendants:

  • As per the statutory requirements, Foreign Nationals will be registered in TMC only on possession of a Medical Visa. Other visa categories are not acceptable.
  • To get the Medical Visa, the patient has to apply to TMC for a Appointment letter

For same they can send email to Appointment/Info giving following Details

– Name

– Address


– Passport Number

– Diagnosis

– Name of Doctor (if chosen)

– Rough idea of the date for the appointment

  • TMC will issue a Appointment/Invite Letter based on this Info , on basis of which the patient can apply for medical Visa at their country
  • Persons accompanying the foreign national as attendants must also have a Medical Escort (MX) category visa.
  • Converting a non-medical visa to a Medical/Medical Escort visa is not possible in India. Applicants will need to approach the visa-issuing authorities in their own country.
  • Foreign nationals and their attendants are required to register themselves with the jurisdictional Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) / Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) within 14 days from the date of their arrival in India.
  • If holders of a Medical/Medical Escort visa need to extend their stay in India for continuing treatment at TMC, they will need to approach the State Home Department.  Designated authorities within TMC will issue a medical certificate with relevant details for this application.

Inpatient admission deposit

Foreign Nationals registered with TMC as patients are required to deposit a sum of money depending on the procedure/ treatment that is planned,  before inpatient admission.


You Can Help

75% of the hospital beds have been earmarked for the underprivileged. They receive greatly subsidized care. You can help us make a difference too.