It may not always be about what we know, but it’s always about how much we care.


Tata Medical Center

The Out Patient Department (OPD) in Tata Medical Center aims to provide a comprehensive set of services for patient evaluation and treatment.

  • Specialist Consultations – Patients and their family members can meet doctors for diagnosis, treatment decisions and follow-up. Apart from oncology doctors, cancer patients can access services of other specialists in medicine, dentists, psychologists, counselors and social workers for a patient’s other medical and psychosocial needs.
  • Laboratory Services – An entire range of laboratory are available, including several molecular and genetic tests. There will be special sample collection booths for patient convenience.
  • Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine – All types of X-rays, USG, CT and MRI scans are available. Modern nuclear imaging modalities like a 64 slice CT-PET, a SPECT scanner further aid in diagnosis and staging.
  • Daycare Surgery and Endoscopy – Many small surgical procedures are performed on an outpatient basis without the need for admission and stay.  These include biopsies, stent placements, minimal access surgeries and some laser procedures. A state-of-the-art endoscopy suite aid in diagnosis as well as endoscopic treatment procedures.
  • Radiation Therapy – Daily radiation treatments on high-precision equipment are delivered on an outpatient basis.
  • Daycare Chemotherapy – Many types of chemotherapy and other injections or transfusions are delivered in a modern and well-equipped daycare. Special clinics will handle care of catheters for chemotherapy infusions.
  • Rehabilitation Services – Special clinics on physiotherapy and occupational therapy, speech and swallowing therapy, stoma and catheter care are a part of the wide array of outpatient services.


You Can Help

75% of the hospital beds have been earmarked for the underprivileged. They receive greatly subsidized care. You can help us make a difference too.