It may not always be about what we know, but it’s always about how much we care.


Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women in low and low–middle income countries. Cervical cancer kills more than 68,000 women and statistics reveal one death every 8 minutes in India. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of most cervical cancers. There are 14 types of high risk HPV that can cause this cancer.

Cervical cancer is largely preventable through vaccination and routine cervical screening. Screening for cervical cancer will help detect precancer lesions and early cervical cancer. This early detection can help treat precancer lesions thereby preventing cervical cancer. Timely detection of early cervical cancer can lead to higher chances of successful treatment of cancer.

Women at increased risk

– Multiple partners, multiple pregnancies

– Chronic or recurrent pelvic infections

– Persistent HPV infection beyond 30 years of age, abnormal Pap smear

– Suppressed immunogenicity due to medications / HIV infection

Screening tests for cervical cancer

  1. HPV test
  2. Pap smear
  3. VIA (visual inspection with acetic acid).

Screening is recommended for all women aged 25 to 65yrs.

All women who screen positive by any of these tests are further evaluated by colposcopy and treated according to the findings.

Screening facility at Tata Medical Center

Screening test: Pap smear and HPV test

Screening Clinic: Wednesday and Friday.

Timing : 8:00- 5:00pm

Appointment : Walk-in or book an appointment 033-66057223, 7224

Colposcopy Clinic

Colposcopy is a procedure where the doctor examines your cervix with a special device called a colposcope. This device magnifies the cervix allowing a detailed examination of the cervix. All screened positive women are advised to undergo this examination to detect any abnormal lesions of the cervix caused by HPV infection. The entire examination takes approximately 20 minutes. A dilute solution of 3-5% acetic acid and Lugol iodine is applied to cervix to identify the abnormal changes if any. A cervical biopsy may be taken if indicated to diagnose any precancer / suspected cancer lesions of the cervix. Further management is decided as per colposcopic and biopsy results.

Colposcopy clinic:

Wednesdays and Fridays

Timing: 1:30 – 5:00 pm

Appointment: book an appointment 033-66057223, 7224

HPV Vaccination:

Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Timing: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm (Wednesday & Friday), 9:00- 11:30 am (Saturday)

Appointment: walk-in or book appointment 033-66057223, 7224

HPV vaccination

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for most cervical cancers. There are over 200 types of HPV of which 14 are considered high- risk HPV viruses (16,18,31,33,35,39,45, 51,52,56,58,59,68). HPV is a virus that is spread through intimate skin to skin contact or sexual contact and is known to cause cervical, anal, vaginal and vulvar cancers. This virus affects over 80% men and women atleast once during their lifetime. The virus is usually cleared from the body through its own immunity in a period of two years. However, in some this virus may persist leading to precancer changes in the cervix. There is no medication to treat HPV infection.

HPV vaccine provides primary prevention and protection against cervical cancer. This vaccine is to be administered to young girls aged 9-14 years with 2 doses 6 months apart. Girls aged >15 years to 26 years are advised 3 doses of the vaccine. HPV vaccine is safe and effective against HPV infection.

There are three FDA approved vaccine available:
HPV vaccine HPV types 9-14 years >15 years
Quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil) 16, 18, 6, 11 0 and 6 months 0 and 6 months

0,2,and 6 months

Nonavalent ( Gardasil-9) 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58

6, 11

0 and 6 months 0,2,and 6 months
Cervavac(Serum Institute of India) 16, 18, 6, 11 0 and 6 months 0,2,and 6 months
4th Feb 2022: World Cancer Day:

On the occasion of World Cancer Day, a cancer awareness program was organised in Khanaberia F P School, in ward 58 of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation by Seva Kendra, Calcutta. The Preventive Oncology Department of Tata Medical Center, Kolkata represented by Ms Shrabanti Ghosh and Ms Anuradha Biswas conducted a cancer awareness program on cervical and breast cancer at this school. This was attended by 45 women who were educated regarding the cause of cervical cancer, the signs and symptoms, risk factors and the screening tests that are available. This was an interactive session with a demonstration using flip charts and posters. These women between the ages of 25 – 40 years were informed about the importance of screening for HPV infection to detect pre-cancer and get appropriate treatment early so that cervical cancer can be prevented. They were also informed regarding HPV vaccine that is available to protect their adolescent daughters from HPV infections in the future. All the women were informed about the signs of early breast cancer changes and taught how to do a self breast examination. Emphasis was given on getting screened regularly so that precancer changes and cancer can be detected early for better outcomes in cancer care.

training workshop for the KMC community healthcare workers under the PRESCRIP-TEC project



Prevention and Screening Innovation Project towards Elimination of Cervical Cancer (PRESCRIP-TEC) is an international collaborative project on cervical cancer screening involving Bangladesh and India in Asia, Uganda in Africa, and Slovakia in Eastern Europe. Tata Medical Center, Kolkata along with 5 other institutions in India are participating in this research project that is funded by DBT (India) for 3 years. This project aims to implement an innovative approach to cervical cancer screening, including direct treatment and follow-up, for women in resource-poor or hard- to reach settings, by improving availability, acceptability and quality of services in the community. Tata Medical Center has partnered with the Kolkata Municipality Corporation to implement the project in wards 56, 57 & 58 of Borough 7. To deliver the objectives of the cervical cancer screening project in these areas a training workshop was organized for the Honorary Health Worker (HHW) of the respective wards. The training workshop was conducted on 21/2/2022 at the community hall at Circular Road Baptist Chapel at A. J. C Bose Road.

This workshop training on “Basic Concept on Cervical Cancer & the PRESCRIP-TEC Project” was attended by 11 community health workers who are posted in these wards. Dr. Sonia Mathai presented an overview of the project, objectives and the role of these HHWs in the implementation of this project.  Ms. Shrabanti Ghosh assisted by Ms. Anuradha Biswas, and Ms.Tumpa Das, conducted the interactive sessions on cervical cancer screening and community mobilization.  The trainees were assigned to groups and were asked to role play presenting the topics discussed to assess their understanding of cancer, cervical cancer, and its prevention. Through these interactive sessions the teams learnt to work in groups as well as how to conduct awareness in the community.  Ms. Barnali Ghosh presented a session on how to explain to women in the community to self-collect HPV swab samples using the information pamphlets. This training workshop received encouraging feedback from the CHWs who have attended previous introductory sessions held with them in ward 57 on 18/9/2021 and 16/11/2021. The project will be starting community awareness and mobilization from March 2022 and similar training workshops will be conducted in the future during the course of the project.