It may not always be about what we know, but it’s always about how much we care.


Tata Medical Center

Surgery remains the primary treatment in a number of malignancies. Apart from curative removal of the tumour where possible, surgical expertise is often required for diagnosis, follow-up and symptom palliation. Surgical services in TMC comprise a highly trained team of surgical oncologists, nurses and ancillary staff. The surgical teams aspire to work with the mission of offering high quality evidence-based surgical services. To attain this, and to develop focused centers of excellence, teams will be site-specific. Such organ-centric surgical care helps foster expertise in intricacies of cancer surgery and reconstruction. TMC pursues a multidisciplinary approach, wherein clinicians across all specialities participate in formulating investigative and therapeutic strategies for each patient. Such a holistic approach helps neutralise the instinctive bias that clinicians often possess about the relative superiority of their discipline, be it a surgeon, medical oncologist or a radiation oncologist.

TMC boasts of an integrated surgical suite comprising of 10 general operation theatres, 1 operation theatre for delivery of brachytherapy and a state-of-the-art CSSD. To facilitate high-volume complex cancer surgery and optimise ambient atmosphere, each theatre is fitted with equipment meeting contemporary standards. All the theatres have HEPA filters, which remove practically all traces of microbes in the air, thereby improving levels of asepsis. Facilities are available for minimal access surgery, laser surgery, micro-vascular reconstructions and day-care procedures like biopsies and endoscopic interventions. TMC also has facilities for Robotic surgery in several surgical sub specialities

Patient care is further augmented by a Fellowship programme, which attracts talented trainees, who work , supervised by a team of full-time Consultants

TMC has the following Surgical depts


You Can Help

75% of the hospital beds have been earmarked for the underprivileged. They receive greatly subsidized care. You can help us make a difference too.